Coping with Crises

Zack Snyder's Justice League

From: The Arkham Sessions Podcast, Episode 161: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League”

Zack Snyder's Justice League was released during the later lockdown stages of COVID; amidst a time in which many of us, exhausted from the stress of an ongoing crisis and relentless promises of normalcy, embraced a directness in approach and unconventionality in our entertainment media. Though not cinematically perfect, the film is unwittingly blunt, vulnerable, and honest. As a story that was "interrupted" by trauma and had a chance to be reclaimed and retold, its retribution is powerfully present.


Zack Snyder's Justice League received mixed reviews; and though the film has undeniably brought joy to many viewers, it has sustained a brutal wave of vitriol by some in the fandom.

The "Snyder Cut" has been called many things--bloated, self-indulgent, unnecessarily long, a toxic conspiracy. Talking about the 4-hour film without mentioning the fervor surrounding it is nearly impossible; so Drea and Brian begin the show by framing the film's storytelling through the context of its cultural positioning.

The film was released during the later lockdown stages of COVID; amidst a time in which many of us, exhausted from the stress of an ongoing crisis and relentless promises of normalcy, embraced a directness in approach and unconventionality in our entertainment media. Drea and Brian briefly tackle the controversial reactions to the film (and pointed out some differences between the original edit and the Snyder cut).

But, for much of this episode, they dive into the prominent character arcs. Batman, for instance, realizes the potential of meaningful relationships in a pre-apocalyptic world, pushing past his impulse to pursue heroic acts and their narcissistic gains. The young Flash is refreshingly ebullient and wide-eyed, while also undeniably self-doubting and apprehensive about his value on a superhero team. Cyborg, the most psychologically and physically harmed member of the team, stands out as the heart of Snyder's storytelling. Dealing with the aftermath of his mother's death and his own disfigurement and transformation into a more-robot-than-human creature, Cyborg feels purposeless and detached from society. But by holding himself responsible for saving Earth (and thereby embracing his individuality), his character raises the theme of freeing ourselves from the expectations of others and from racial stereotypes.

The Snyder Cut, though not cinematically perfect, is daring and bold; unwittingly blunt and aspirational. As a story that was "interrupted" and had a chance to be reclaimed and retold, its retribution is powerfully present. For anyone who grew up with the iconography of DC Comics characters, it is hard not to get swept away by the psychology of the film.

Batman Begins

From: The Arkham Sessions Podcast, Episode 152: “Batman Begins”

Controlling fear, transforming fear, and embodying fear are the marked features of Batman’s trauma-induced obsession. But, as the 2005 film Batman Begins warns, fear can also be tampered with, manipulated, and weaponized. How can this Batman movie help us cope with our own uncertainties and worries stemming from the hard-hitting crises we faced in 2020?

Brian and Drea take listeners back to 2005 to revisit the well-received live-action film, Batman Begins. The first movie in the Nolan-directed Bat trilogy, Batman Begins sets the stage for a gritty and grounded landscape of Gotham City and establishes the core thread of Bruce Wayne's story: Fear.

The film shows us that fear is the fundamental catalyst for Bruce's lifelong mission to rid the community of criminals. Controlling fear, transforming fear, and embodying fear are manifestations of Bruce's obsession. But, as the film warns, fear can also be tampered with, manipulated, and weaponized. Scarecrow's terrorism is based in fear--his toxic inventions allow him to access primal anxieties in his victims to the point of hysteria and self-destruction. Ra's al Ghul prophesizes that if Bruce purges his identity (including his personal doubts and fears), he can transcend his own mortality. And Bruce himself becomes so wrapped in an idea, in a symbol, that he creates terror within the ones who love him.

What does Batman Begins teach us about our relationship with fear? Fear can lead to an overwhelmed sense. When we feel threatened, we go into survival mode. We feel as though our brain is hijacked, and we have lost control. What can we do when we are stifled by fear, worry, or panic? First, we can name the feeling or emotion. Observing our emotional state and being descriptive about our fear can create a little bit of healthy distance and allow us to feel more grounded, to gain focus, and to mobilize ourselves. Next, we can find a sense of calm by using breathing exercises. One easy way to attend to our breath is to inhale for a count of 3 seconds and exhale for a count of 6 seconds. Movement is also helpful -- we can stretch, go for a walk, or run in place to discharge some of the stress in our bodies.

Finally, we can use affirmations or self-reflective statements to acknowledge our survival in the moment. You can tell yourself you are safe, that you are able to cope, and that you have a way forward. Listen to the show for more suggestions like these about how to manage and maintain emotional well-being.